One-on-One Coaching

At Thrive Kids, one-on-one coaching is a key part of helping children reach their learning goals. We use stories to introduce key lessons that build personal development skills, and work individually with each child to motivate and provide personalized strategies. Through positive reinforcement techniques and open discussions on social and emotional topics, children can gain self-esteem, problem-solving strategies, and a greater sense of self-awareness. 

At Thrive Kids we use stories to help children develop personal development skills in order to achieve their learning goals. Through the use of stories, we help students:

  • Handle the ups and downs of growing up without giving up on themselves (losing confidence) or getting down on themselves (crushing self-esteem).
  • Develop a strong inner compass so they have strong core values (integrity, self-responsibility, respect, self-respect).
  • Make good decisions and stand up to peer pressure.
  • Develop a vision for their lives, set goals, and achieve those goals.
  • Handle disappointments, manage mistakes, overcome fear and manage change.
  • Reach their next stage in their learning journey by working on ways to further develop numeracy and literacy skills.



Individual sessions are private and confidential. I will work with the parent ahead of time to custom the needs of the child and together we will focus on the goals and outcomes of the sessions. 

I offer Skype / Zoom individual sessions. Reach out for a complimentary call if you want to learn more about the possibilities for your child!

 Coaching Packages


10 Sessions

How kids feel about themselves is one of the biggest influences on both their happiness and on what they create in their lives.Positive self-esteem is not something kids either have or don’t have, is a skill that they can develop. With this coaching package, kids learn:

  • What is Self-Esteem
  • Believe Systems
  • Honoring Our Uniqueness
  • The Importance of Positive Self-Talk
  • Power shifting


10 Sessions

Whether or not kids believe in themselves will shape who they are and what they create in their lives-do they go for it in life or do they sit on the sidelines? Believing in themselves, even after they’ve experienced a disappointment, is a skill that they can develop! Through the self-confidence coaching package, kids learn how to believe in themselves, even when there is no evidence that they will be successful:

  • What is self confidence
  • Power of possibility
  • Believe Systems
  • Managing Fear
  • Conditional thinking
  • Power shifting

Building Resilience

10 Sessions

Developing resilience is one of the most important mindset skills for kids to learn because their ability to pick themselves up again when things don’t go their way will directly shape who they become and what they create in their lives. With this coaching package, kids learn how to get back up again after falling down.

  • Believe Systems
  • Power of possibility
  • Overcoming Mistakes
  • Managing Fear and Change
  • The Power of Positive Self-Talk
  • Moving past Failure

Standing Up to Peer Pressure

10 Sessions

Peer pressure is one of the toughest challenges kids face while growing up. It is also one of the top reasons why kids get into trouble. With this coaching package kids learn how to stand up to peer pressure,how to choose  what they want for themselves before they are in a tough situation and how to learn to say “no” to their peers and say “yes” to themselves.

  • Self-responsibility
  • Power of possibility
  • Integrity
  • Self-Respect
  • Making Good Decisions
  • Standing up to Peer Pressure

Workshops / Small Groups / Camp

Workshops and camps will be offered at different times of the years. 

Small groups are offered to a childcare, school or sport team.