
Thrive Kids is a comprehensive, one-stop-shop for parents looking to give their child the best start in life. Our services range from assessments and evaluations to therapy, counselling, and teaching – all tailored to the individual needs of your child.

We strive to create an environment bursting with learning opportunities and positive reinforcement techniques to help your child reach their full potential. With Thrive Kids, you can be assured that your child’s development will be nurtured, supported, and respected.


Helping kids work through challenges and build resilience. Providing guidance and support to help kids express themselves and develop positive behaviors.

One-On-One Coaching

Designed to help kids develop positive thought patterns and build the skills needed to succeed in life. Our program provides essential support and resources to help kids reach their full potential.

Summer Camps

Children will learn invaluable skills to harness their emotional intelligence, build strong relationships, and make a positive impact in their communities.


Early Learning Academy

Our Virtual, LIVE Early Learning Academy is for those students who are beginning Kindergarten or are ready for a Kindergarten curriculum.

Thrive Babies! Program

Share new and exciting experiences through sensory development while encouraging creativity and exploration in a safe environment.

Thrive Moms! Program

The Thrive Moms virtual program helps mothers build a spiritually nourishing and empowering environment for themselves and their families.

Coaching Packages

Our packages are tailored to meet the specific needs of your child, and help create a positive environment for growth and development.

Specializing in:

Early Learning





Body Image

Eating Disorders

Goal Setting

School Performance

Peer Relations


Learning Disabilities



One-On-One Coaching

Thrive Kids offers one-on-one coaching for children, to help them reach their full potential. Our specialized coaches are trained to provide personalized mentoring to every child, helping to develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed for a successful future. We also offer parents and families advice and guidance on how to support their children during this important journey. With our help, children can thrive in school, at home and in their communities.


Thrive Kids Counselling is dedicated to helping children struggling with mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. We provide a safe and supportive environment for your child to express their thoughts and emotions, as well as practical strategies to help them develop healthy coping mechanisms. Our team of experienced counselors is passionate about helping kids find hope, resilience and joy.

Speaking Opportunities

Promoting positive mental health and social and emotional development in children.

  • Parent Groups
  • PAC presentations
  • Professional Development sessions
  • Corporate Engagements

Reach out for a free consultation and customize a program that fits your needs.